Halo Esports Wiki

The transfer period is the first chance for teams qualified for Gfinity London 2017 to make roster changes.



# Team Roster
1 FAB Games eSportslogo stdFAB Games eSports RespectfulMoseTuFoxyJimboXavi
2 Team infusedlogo stdTeam infused PhluxKimboSnipedroneSnakeyHavoc
3 Supremacylogo stdSupremacy SLGFragxrPuniShRSolaR
4 VwS Gaming (Europe)logo stdVwS Gaming ChalkieRiotz
5 BitterSweetlogo stdBitterSweet ShaadyAnimaWarLord
6 London Conspiracylogo stdLondon Conspiracy QristolaLunnyRamirezSeptiQ

As of 03/01/17.


Confirmed Changes

Player Date Left From Date Joined To
Doodle 2017-02-26 Epsilon eSportslogo std 2017-02-26 Pace Making Pandaslogo std
Qristola 2017-02-26 Team infusedlogo std 2017-02-26 London Conspiracylogo std
Snipedrone 2017-02-26 Epsilon eSportslogo std 2017-02-26 Team infusedlogo std
Batchford 2017-02-26 London Conspiracylogo std 2017-02-26 Logo std
Riotz 2017-02-26 Excel Esportslogo std 2017-02-26 Logo std
Quad 2017-02-26 Epsilon eSportslogo std 2017-02-26 Logo std
Morguhhh 2017-02-26 Pace Making Pandaslogo std 2017-02-26 Logo std
Quad 2017-01-16 Free Agentlogo std 2017-01-31 Epsilon eSportslogo std
VexZeus 2017-01-16 Prophecylogo std 2017-01-31 Epsilon eSportslogo std
Snipedrone 2017-01-03 Team Vibelogo std 2017-01-31 Epsilon eSportslogo std
Doodle 2017-01-02 Team infusedlogo std 2017-01-31 Epsilon eSportslogo std
Batchford 2017-01-03 Free Agentlogo std 2017-01-03 Team Vibelogo std
Lunny 2017-01-03 VwS Gaming (Europe)logo std 2017-01-03 Team Vibelogo std
Ramirez 2017-01-03 VwS Gaming (Europe)logo std 2017-01-03 Team Vibelogo std
Fragxr 2017-01-02 Logo std 2017-01-02 Supremacylogo std
SolaR 2017-01-02 BitterSweetlogo std 2017-01-02 Supremacylogo std
SLG 2016-12-08 Logo std 2017-01-02 Supremacylogo std
CxLii 2017-01-02 Supremacylogo std Free Agentlogo stdFree Agent
Qristola 2017-01-02 Team Vibelogo std 2017-01-02 Team infusedlogo std
Snakey 2017-01-02 Team Vibelogo std 2017-01-02 Team infusedlogo std
CxLii 2016-12-12 Logo std 2016-12-12 Supremacylogo std
Batchford 2016-12-11 Team infusedlogo std Free Agentlogo stdFree Agent
PuniShR 2016-12-08 Logo std 2016-12-08 Supremacylogo std