Halo Esports Wiki

The Fall 2016 season of the Halo Championship Series Pro League is an upcoming series of competition taking place in the European region from September 14 - December 4, 2016. Halo 5: Guardians is played in 4v4 competition in a mixture of online league matches and offline tournaments. It is held concurrently with the NA Pro League.



LAN events in bold.

  • Regular Season - September 14 - November 10, 2016 (Prize Pool: $33,000)
  1. FAB Games eSportslogo stdfabE - $8,000
  2. Team Vibelogo stdVibe - $7,000
  3. Team infusedlogo stdinfs - $6,000
  4. Logo stdPG - $5,000
  1. BitterSweetlogo stdbS
  2. VwS Gaming (Europe)logo stdVwS
  1. FAB Games eSportslogo stdfabE - $35,000
  2. Team infusedlogo stdinfs - $20,000
  3. Logo stdPG - $8,000
  4. Team Vibelogo stdVibe - $4,000

External Links

