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Halo Esports Wiki

The midseason transfer period is the first chance for teams qualified for the Fall 2016 Pro League to make roster changes. It lasts from August 1st - August 25th, 2016. Teams are required to maintain two players from the qualifying roster in order to maintain their spot in the league.



# Team Roster
1 OpTic Gaminglogo stdOpTic Gaming LethuLSnakeBiteRoyal2Frosty
2 Enigma6 Grouplogo stdEnigma6 Group Cratosbubu dubuSuspectorStelluRShowtime
3 Team Envylogo stdEnvy MikwenPistolaSnip3downHukeElumnite
4 Team Liquidlogo stdTeam Liquid CommonlyPenguinSpartanRayneSymbolic
5 Evil Geniuseslogo stdEvil Geniuses RoyLunchboxNinjaVictory XTowey
6 Team Allegiancelogo stdTeam Allegiance ContrAPreDevoNatoRFalcatedShooterCoach Phil
7 Luminosity Gaminglogo stdLuminosity Gaming EcoDanoxideNadedeL TowN
8 Logo stdLOL MaNiaCAceAPGHeinz

As of 2016-09-14.


  • Unless otherwise noted, all rumors are based on teams participating in online scrims with players in question. "Unlikely" means that the player has not scrimmed with the team recently and the team or player appear to have moved onto other options. "Semi-confirmed" means that the team and/or player in question have publicly stated that the team is official, and only the org paperwork is yet to be done.

Confirmed Changes

Player Date Left From Date Joined To
Lethul 2016-09-14 Counter Logic Gaminglogo std 2016-09-15 OpTic Gaminglogo std
Frosty 2016-09-14 Counter Logic Gaminglogo std 2016-09-15 OpTic Gaminglogo std
Royal2 2016-09-14 Counter Logic Gaminglogo std 2016-09-15 OpTic Gaminglogo std
SnakeBite 2016-09-14 Counter Logic Gaminglogo std 2016-09-15 OpTic Gaminglogo std
Heinz 2016-09-14 OpTic Gaminglogo std 2016-09-15 Logo std
APG 2016-09-14 OpTic Gaminglogo std 2016-09-15 Logo std
AcE 2016-09-14 OpTic Gaminglogo std 2016-09-15 Logo std
MaNiaC 2016-09-14 OpTic Gaminglogo std 2016-09-15 Logo std
Heinz 2016-08-25 Free Agentlogo std 2016-08-25 OpTic Gaminglogo std
Victory X 2016-08-25 Free Agentlogo std 2016-08-25 Evil Geniuseslogo std
Ninja 2016-08-25 Free Agentlogo std 2016-08-25 Evil Geniuseslogo std
Huke 2016-08-25 Enigma6 Grouplogo std 2016-08-25 Team Envylogo std
Snip3down 2016-08-25 Evil Geniuseslogo std 2016-08-25 Team Envylogo std
Suspector 2016-08-25 Evil Geniuseslogo std 2016-08-25 Enigma6 Grouplogo std
StelluR 2016-08-25 Free Agentlogo std 2016-08-25 Enigma6 Grouplogo std
RyaNoob 2016-08-25 Team Allegiancelogo std Free Agentlogo stdFree Agent
Heinz 2016-08-25 Team Allegiancelogo std Free Agentlogo stdFree Agent
Shooter 2016-08-25 Enigma6 Grouplogo std 2016-08-25 Team Allegiancelogo std
Falcated 2016-08-25 Denial Esportslogo std 2016-08-25 Team Allegiancelogo std
Naded 2016-08-24 Free Agentlogo std 2016-08-24 Luminosity Gaminglogo std
eL TowN 2016-08-24 Team Envylogo std 2016-08-24 Luminosity Gaminglogo std
StelluR 2016-08-24 Team Liquidlogo std Free Agentlogo stdFree Agent
2016-08-24 Luminosity Gaming acquire former Team Liquid roster and Pro League spot.
Rayne 2016-08-19 Team Envylogo std 2016-08-19 Team Liquidlogo std
Spartan 2016-08-19 Team Liquidlogo std 2016-08-19 Team Liquidlogo std
Victory X 2016-08-19 Cloud9logo std Free Agentlogo stdFree Agent
Ninja 2016-08-19 Cloud9logo std Free Agentlogo stdFree Agent
2016-08-19 Eco, Danoxide and StelluR become unsponsored team of three.
2016-08-19 Spartan transfers from former Team Liquid roster to current roster.
2016-08-19 Team Liquid acquire Cloud9 roster and Pro League spot.
Str8 SicK 2016-08-16 OpTic Gaminglogo std Free Agentlogo stdFree Agent


Date Status Player From To
2016-08-23 Confirmed Falcated Denial Esportslogo std Team Allegiancelogo std
2016-08-23 Confirmed Heinz Team Allegiancelogo std OpTic Gaminglogo std
2016-08-22 Unsuccessful Cloud Denial Esportslogo std OpTic Gaminglogo std
2016-08-20 Unsuccessful Falcated Denial Esportslogo std OpTic Gaminglogo std
2016-08-16 Unsuccessful Str8 SicK OpTic Gaminglogo std Team Allegiancelogo std
2016-08-10 Confirmed eL TowN Team Envylogo std Team Liquidlogo std
2016-08-10 Confirmed Naded Free Agentlogo std Team Liquidlogo std
2016-08-10 Unsuccessful Rammyy Denial Esportslogo std Team Allegiancelogo std
2016-08-08 Confirmed Victory X Cloud9logo std Evil Geniuseslogo std
2016-08-07 Confirmed Ninja Cloud9logo std Evil Geniuseslogo std
2016-08-07 Confirmed StelluR Team Liquidlogo std Enigma6 Grouplogo std
2016-08-07 Confirmed Suspector Evil Geniuseslogo std Enigma6 Grouplogo std
2016-08-07 Confirmed Shooter Enigma6 Grouplogo std Team Allegiancelogo std
2016-08-07 Unsuccessful eL TowN Team Envylogo std Team Allegiancelogo std
2016-08-06 Confirmed Rayne Team Envylogo std Cloud9logo std
2016-08-06 Confirmed Huke Enigma6 Grouplogo std Team Envylogo std
2016-08-06 Unsuccessful Penguin Cloud9logo std Evil Geniuseslogo std
2016-08-04 Unsuccessful Naded Free Agentlogo std Evil Geniuseslogo std
2016-08-03 Unsuccessful PreDevoNatoR Team Allegiancelogo std Evil Geniuseslogo std
2016-08-03 Unsuccessful ContrA Team Allegiancelogo std Evil Geniuseslogo std
2016-08-03 Unsuccessful Suspector Evil Geniuseslogo std Team Liquidlogo std
2016-08-03 Confirmed Spartan Team Liquidlogo std Cloud9logo std
2016-08-03 Confirmed Snip3down Evil Geniuseslogo std Team Envylogo std