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Halo Esports Wiki

GameIcon H3 120 Halo 3[]

Start End Tournament Location Teams Prize Winner Second
2010-11-05 2010-11-07 MLG National Championship 2010 Dallas 8 $ 280,000 Final Bosslogo stdFinal Boss Status Quologo stdStatus Quo
2010-10-15 2010-10-17 MLG Washington, D.C. 2010 Oxen Hill 32+ $ 56,000 Final Bosslogo stdFinal Boss Triggers Downlogo stdTriggers Down
2010-08-27 2010-08-29 MLG Raleigh 2010 Raleigh 32+ $ 56,000 Final Bosslogo stdFinal Boss Instinctlogo stdInstinct
2010-06-04 2010-06-06 MLG Columbus 2010 Columbus 177 $ 56,000 Instinctlogo stdInstinct Final Bosslogo stdFinal Boss
2010-04-16 2010-04-18 MLG Orlando 2010 Kissimmee 32+ $ 56,000 Instinctlogo stdInstinct Classiclogo stdClassic
2010-01-08 2010-01-10 MLG National Championship 2009 Kissimmee 32+ $ 280,000 Believe the Hypelogo stdBelieve the Hype Classiclogo stdClassic
2009-11-06 2009-11-08 MLG Anaheim 2009 Anaheim 32+ $ 56,000 Triggers Downlogo stdTriggers Down Str8 Rippinlogo stdStr8 Rippin
2009-08-28 2009-08-30 MLG Dallas 2009 Dallas 207 $ 56,000 Triggers Downlogo stdTriggers Down Carbonlogo stdCarbon
2009-06-05 2009-06-07 MLG Columbus 2009 Columbus 218 $ 56,000 Str8 Rippinlogo stdStr8 Rippin Triggers Downlogo stdTriggers Down
2009-04-03 2009-04-05 MLG Meadowlands 2009 Secaucus 232 $ 56,000 Triggers Downlogo stdTriggers Down Instinctlogo stdInstinct
2008-11-21 2008-11-23 MLG National Championship 2008 Las Vegas 8 $ 280,000 Str8 Rippinlogo stdStr8 Rippin Instinctlogo stdInstinct
2008-10-03 2008-10-05 MLG Dallas 2008 Dallas 182 $ 56,000 Triggers Downlogo stdTriggers Down Str8 Rippinlogo stdStr8 Rippin
2008-08-22 2008-08-24 MLG Toronto 2008 Toronto 136 $ 56,000 Str8 Rippinlogo stdStr8 Rippin Instinctlogo stdInstinct
2008-07-11 2008-07-13 MLG Orlando 2008 Orlando 240 $ 56,000 Triggers Downlogo stdTriggers Down Str8 Rippinlogo stdStr8 Rippin
2008-06-13 2008-06-15 MLG San Diego 2008 San Diego 192 $ 56,000 Str8 Rippinlogo stdStr8 Rippin Instinctlogo stdInstinct
2008-04-11 2008-04-13 MLG Meadowlands 2008 Secaucus 32+ $ 56,000 Final Bosslogo stdFinal Boss Classiclogo stdClassic

Player Stats Halo 3[]

Halo 3 Players with at least one Major finals appearance.

Place Player Team Major Wins Runner-up Average Placing H3 Winnings Series W-L Major Appear.
011st 1st USA Elamite Str8 Rippinlogo square Str8 Instinctlogo square Instinct 6 4 2.63 $134,500.00 16/16
022nd 2nd USA Pistola Final Bosslogo square Final Boss Triggers Downlogo square TD 6 2 5.00 $84,600.00 16/16
033rd 3rd USA Hysteria Triggers Downlogo square Triggers Down 5 2 3.31 $61,200.00 16/16
4th USA FearItSelf Final Bosslogo square Final Boss Triggers Downlogo square TD 5 1 3.25 $79,600.00 16/16
5th USA SK Triggers Downlogo square Triggers Down 5 1 4.88 $47,450.00 16/16
6th USA Snip3down Str8 Rippinlogo square Str8 Instinctlogo square INST Triggers Downlogo square TD 4 3 4.44 $87,500.00 16/16
7th USA Legit Str8 Rippinlogo square Str8 Rippin 4 3 3.65 $61,200.00 13/16
8th USA Tsquared Str8 Rippinlogo square Str8 Rippin 4 3 4.66 $59,700.00 16/16
9th USA OGRE2 Final Bosslogo square Final Boss 4 1 3.91 $95,750.00 16/16
10th USA Cloud Instinctlogo square Instinct Believe The Hypelogo square BtH 3 1 5.09 $64,450.00 16/16
11th USA Victory X Final Bosslogo square Final Boss 3 1 4.03 $61,350.00 16/16
12th USA Heinz Triggers Downlogo square Triggers Down 3 1 5.00 $36,600.00 16/16
13th USA Lunchbox Instinctlogo square Instinct 2 5 3.19 $78,050.00 16/16
14th USA Roy Instinctlogo square Instinct 2 5 3.19 $77,300.00 16/16
15th USA Walshy Instinctlogo square INST Final Bosslogo square FB Carbonlogo square CBN 1 4 5.66 $50,950.00 16/16
16th USA Neighbor Str8 Rippinlogo square Str8 Instinctlogo square INST Triggers Downlogo square TD 1 3 3.88 $66,025.00 16/16
17th USA Maniac Believe The Hypelogo square BtH 1 0 $42,600.00
18th USA Demon D Believe The Hypelogo square BtH 1 0 $42,550.00
19th USA StrongSide Final Bosslogo square Final Boss 1 0 6.67 $38,900.00 15/16
20th USA Clutch Believe The Hypelogo square BtH 1 0 $34,700.00
21st USA OGRE1 Final Bosslogo square Final Boss 1 0 6.50 $17,500.00 7/16
22nd USA Karma Triggers Downlogo square Triggers Down 1 0 9.97 $13,900.00 15/16
23rd USA Soldi3r187 Classiclogo square Classic 0 3 7.00 $32,900.00 16/16
24th USA BesT MaN Classiclogo square Classic Triggers Downlogo square TD 0 2 $40,400.00
25th USA GH057ayame Classiclogo square Classic 0 2 $37,100.00
26th USA Chig Classiclogo square Classic 0 2 $32,300.00
27th USA Soviet Instinctlogo square Instinct 0 2 $24,800.00
28th USA Flamesword Status Quologo square Status Quo 0 1 $32,500.00
29th USA Enable Status Quologo square Status Quo 0 1 9.95 $31,500.00 11/16
30th USA Naded Carbonlogo square Carbon 0 1 $30,750.00
31st USA ShocKWav3 Carbonlogo square Carbon 0 1 5.27 $29,400.00 11/16
32nd USA Assault Status Quologo square Status Quo 0 1 $22,900.00
33rd USA Ace Status Quologo square Status Quo 0 1 8.50 $20,700.00 15/16
34th USA Defy Carbonlogo square Carbon 0 1 $18,500.00
35th USA Totz Triggers Downlogo square Triggers Down 0 1 $15,400.00
36th USA Mackeo Instinctlogo square Instinct 0 1 $14,900.00
37th USA TiZoXiC Classiclogo square Classic 0 1 $14,500.00
38th USA Legend Classiclogo square Classic 0 1 $10,400.00
39th USA AnT Classiclogo square Classic 0 1 $10,100.00
40th USA FeaR Classiclogo square Classic 0 1 $4,000.00