Halo Esports Wiki

Season 1   Season 2    

Overview   Leaderboard    

Season 1 of the Halo Championship Series (HCS) took place from December 7th, 2014 to March 8th, 2015. Halo 2: Anniversary was played in 7 online cups and 4 LAN tournaments.


HCS Points

HCS Point Breakdown

The HCS point system.

Teams are seeded in HCS events by the amount of HCS points they have accrued. HCS points are obtained through tournament placings, with the amount of points up for grabs based on the event tier. At the end of the season, the 8 teams with the most points attend the finals where they have the opportunity to compete for a large cash prize.

HCS - Finals Season Finals

  • Top teams of the season compete for a large prize pool (eg. $100,000 at PAX East 2015).
  • No HCS points are awarded.

HCS - Diamond Diamond Events

  • Minimum prize pool: $20,000
  • 14,600 HCS Points up for grabs, with 4,000 going to the winning team.

HCS - Platinum Platinum Events

  • Minimum prize pool: $10,000
  • 11,100 HCS points up for grabs, with 3,000 going to the winning team.

HCS - Gold Gold Events

  • Minimum prize pool: $5,000
  • 5,890 HCS points up for grabs, with 1,500 going to the winning team.

HCS - Online Online Cups

  • Weekly prize pool: $1,000
  • 2,160 HCS points up for grabs, with 550 going to the winning team.
  • Only North American teams may participate in online cups due to latency issues.


LAN events in bold.

  1. Evil Geniuseslogo stdEG
  2. Believe the Hypelogo stdBtH
  3. Fatal Ambitionlogo stdFTL
  1. Counter Logic Gaminglogo stdCLG
  2. Evil Geniuseslogo stdEG
  3. OpTic Gaminglogo stdOG
  1. Cloud9logo stdC9
  2. Str8 Rippinlogo stdStr8
  3. Evil Geniuseslogo stdEG
  1. Denial Esportslogo stdDNL
  2. Counter Logic Gaminglogo stdCLG
  3. Evil Geniuseslogo stdEG
  1. Counter Logic Gaminglogo stdCLG
  2. Denial Esportslogo stdDNL
  3. Str8 Rippinlogo stdStr8
  1. Denial Esportslogo stdDNL
  2. Cloud9logo stdC9
  1. Denial Esportslogo stdDNL
  2. Noble Blacklogo stdNBL B
  1. Evil Geniuseslogo stdEG
  2. OpTic Gaminglogo stdOG
  3. Denial Esportslogo stdDNL
  1. Evil Geniuseslogo stdEG
  2. OpTic Gaminglogo stdOG
  3. Denial Esportslogo stdDNL
  1. Evil Geniuseslogo stdEG
  2. Counter Logic Gaminglogo stdCLG
  3. OpTic Gaminglogo stdOG
  1. Team Vibelogo stdVibe
  1. Evil Geniuseslogo stdEG
  2. Counter Logic Gaminglogo stdCLG
  3. Noble Blacklogo stdNBL B


Standing Team Roster HCS Points Season Earnings PAX Placing GFG Placing UGC Placing IG Placing
1 Evil Geniuseslogo stdEvil Geniuses Snip3downLethulLunchboxRoyTowey 9,060 $64,750 A11 A11 A33 A22
2 Counter Logic Gaminglogo stdCounter Logic Gaming HeinzOgre 2Royal2SnakeBiteRoyal1 8,680 $26,500 A22 A22 A22 A11
3 Denial Esportslogo stdDenial Esports MikwenChigCloudRyanoobSpikemouth 6,725 $16,750 A55 - 6 A55 A11 A99 - 12
4 OpTic Gaminglogo stdOpTic Gaming FlamesworDAceAssaultContrAJoe Fries 4,870 $6,050 A77 - 8 A33 A44 A33
5 Cloud9logo stdCloud9 NinjaFearitSelfHysteriaVictory XSymbolic 3,535 $10,550 A44 A44 A55 A44
6 Str8 Rippinlogo stdStr8 Rippin TsquaredLegitNadedStr8SickLammie 1,960 $4,800 A55 - 6 A99 - 12 A66 A66
7 Elevatelogo stdElevate GabrielMuNoZShooterSpartanSwiftKill 1,260 $2,550 A77 - 8 A66 A77 Z-
8 Noble Blacklogo stdNoble Black ArkanumAPGAriesManiacYosH 905 $10,450 A33 A99 - 12 A99 - 12 Z-
9 Logo stdEVL Gaming ThrustFearrisLifeStyleZooWuu 530 $200 Z- Z- A99 - 12 A99 - 12
10 Reality Checklogo stdReality Check Suddoth2Suddoth1iTz So FrostyVery Nerdy 325 $550 Z- A77 A88 A77
11 Velocity eSportslogo stdVelocity eSports NemassistCratoseL TownSuspectorLevy 275 $200 Z- A99 - 12 B313 - 16 Z-
12 End Resultlogo stdEnd Result DarkScorpionKrizenMonizBurton 260 - Z- B313 - 16 D333 - 48 Z-
13 EX Blacklogo stdeX Black Cobys2FastSwiftKillWolfmayyneUnLegit 250 - Z- A99 - 12 Z- Z-
14 Logo stdRadiance G1VENAxis AliveSilver CuddlesCizzzats 215 - Z- Z- B717 - 24 B717 - 24
15 Scorched Esportslogo stdScorched Esports GunPlexPreSchoolRiotShockXrossfade 210 - Z- B313 - 16 Z- A88
T16 Logo stdGoats R Us ClutchyLFGrashafashaTQTradeMark 195 - Z- C525 - 32 Z- Z-
T16 ISo Essencelogo stdiSo Essence BiiTTERSWEETGolden-GirlQueenxo_Damage 195 - Z- B717 - 24 E949 - 64 C525 - 32

Full Standings

Sorted by HCS Points after Gamers For Giving.
Rosters from last LAN event attended listed.


External Links
