Halo Esports Wiki

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Pre-Cup #1   Pre-Cup #2   Iron Games Atlanta   Cup #1   Cup #2   Cup #3   Cup #4   Cup #5   Cup #6   Cup #7   HCS Indianapolis   Open Cup   Season 2 Finals    

Season 2 of the Halo Championship Series (HCS) takes place from April 17th, 2015 to July 2015.[1] Halo 2: Anniversary is played in three LAN tournaments and eight online cups.


Season 2 Updated

Updated Season 2 overview.

Season 2 of the HCS features a $250,000 prize pool spread out over three offline events, seven online cups and one open online cup.

HCS Points

Season 2 Point Breakdown

Season 2 point breakdown.

Season 2 features a new point and event tier system. All LANs are now classified under the same tier and offer the same amount of points, regardless of prize pool.

Roster Rules

In order to retain points throughout the season, teams must retain at least three members of their lineup. There are now three transfer periods in the season, an increase from the two in Season 1.

Transfer Periods

  • Transfer Period 1: April 26 - May ~8[2]
  • Transfer Period 2: May 17 - May 23
  • Transfer Period 3: June 7 - June 13

Maps and Gametypes

Iron Games Atlanta 2015 will feature no additional maps or gametypes to those seen in Season 1.[3]

Preseason Cups

Season 2 Preseason

Season 2 preseason overview.

The preseason cups help seed teams going into the season. The first LAN event, Iron Games Atlanta 2015, is seeded by a combination of preseason results and FFA results.

Online Cups

Season 2 Cups

Season 2 Online Cup format.

Online Cup prize pools have increased from season 1, going from $1,000 to $3,000. They now take place over two day spans instead of one day. Saturdays feature the Open Bracket, where non top-8 seeded teams play in best of 3 series, while Sundays feature the Legendary Bracket with the top 8 teams facing off with the top 8 open teams in best of 5 series. As a result of the first cup being cancelled, it has been announced that the remaining seven cups will feature increased prize pools to make up the difference.[4]



  1. Team Randalogo stdTR
  2. Elevatelogo stdELV
  3. Denial Esportslogo stdDNL
  1. Evil Geniuseslogo stdEG
  2. Counter Logic Gaminglogo stdCLG
  3. Cloud9logo stdC9

Regular Season

LAN events in bold.

  1. Evil Geniuseslogo stdEG
  2. Denial Esportslogo stdDNL
  3. Cloud9logo stdC9
  1. Winterfoxlogo stdWFX
  2. Denial Esportslogo stdDNL
  3. Evil Geniuseslogo stdEG
  1. Evil Geniuseslogo stdEG
  2. Denial Esportslogo stdDNL
  3. Team Liquidlogo stdTL
  1. Evil Geniuseslogo stdEG
  2. Denial Esportslogo stdDNL
  3. Winterfoxlogo stdWFX
  1. Evil Geniuseslogo stdEG
  2. Denial Esportslogo stdDNL
  3. Cloud9logo stdC9
  1. Evil Geniuseslogo stdEG
  2. Denial Esportslogo stdDNL
  3. Counter Logic Gaminglogo stdCLG
  1. Winterfoxlogo stdWFX
  2. Evil Geniuseslogo stdEG
  3. Counter Logic Gaminglogo stdCLG
  1. Evil Geniuseslogo stdEG
  2. Winterfoxlogo stdWFX
  3. Denial Esportslogo stdDNL
  1. Evil Geniuseslogo stdEG
  2. Counter Logic Gaminglogo stdCLG
  3. Denial Esportslogo stdDNL
  1. Evil Geniuseslogo stdEG
  2. Winterfoxlogo stdWFX
  3. Denial Esportslogo stdDNL
  1. Evil Geniuseslogo stdEG
  2. Counter Logic Gaminglogo stdCLG
  3. Denial Esportslogo stdDNL

Final Standings

Standing Team Roster Record HCS Points Season Earnings Finals Placing PGL Placing IG Placing
1 Evil Geniuseslogo stdEvil Geniuses Snip3downLethulLunchboxRoyTowey 42-4 2125 $114,100 A11 A11 A11
2 Denial Esportslogo stdDenial Esports ChigAPGHeinzMikwenElumniteSpikemouth 32-13 1310 $32,600 A33 A33 A22
3 Winterfoxlogo stdWinterfox RandaArkanumNadedRyanoob 29-12 925 $17,300 A55 - 6 A44 A44
4 Counter Logic Gaminglogo stdCounter Logic Gaming SnakeBiteCloudOgre2Royal2Royal1 27-16 800 $44,800 A22 A22 A55
5 Cloud9logo stdCloud9 Victory XFearitSelfHysteriaiGotUrPistolaSymbolic 22-17 685 $19,800 A44 A66 A33
6 OpTic Gaminglogo stdOpTic Gaming FlameswordAceAssaultManiac 16-17 425 $10,600 A55 - 6 A55 A66
7 Team Liquidlogo stdTeam Liquid NinjaAriesShooterSpartanElamite 17-13 350 $5,700 A77 - 8 A77 Z-
8 EXcellence Gaminglogo stdeXcellence Gaming CobyeL TowNiTz So FrostyUnLegit 16-16 255 $3,000 A77 - 8 A99 - 12 A99 - 12
9 Noble eSportslogo stdNoble eSports CratosContrALifeStyleSuspectorLevy 14-12 225 $1,000 - A88 A88
10 Reality Checklogo stdReality Check Suddoth1Suddoth2SepticDomey 12-12 175 - - A99 - 12 A99 - 12
11 VanQuish Gaminglogo stdVanQuish Gaming HayzeholdinthekrownStormySquall 12-11 155 - - A99 - 12 B313 - 16
12 BitterSweetlogo stdBitterSweet DoubleAKiLLtasticsImpulsionPsylince 13-12 145 - - B313 - 16 B313 - 16
13 Aware Gaminglogo stdAware Gaming FreeziecampkingHaggieinfuryProjectxPatty 13-11 130 - - A99 - 12 B717 - 24
14 Active Rushlogo stdActive Rush FrostyPrototypeSneakEBeaverStr8 SicK 11-7 120 - - Z- Z-
15 Logo stdSwarm Posey xRBurtonCalm MentalityTireIron 12-8 110 - - B313 - 16 Z-
16 Annexlogo stdAnnex WinntuRVery NerdySargothTragic 9-9 100 - - Z- A99 - 12


  • The current Noble eSports seed competed at Iron Games Atlanta 2015 under the Velocity organization.
  • The current Vanquish Gaming seed competed from Iron Games Atlanta 2015 to HCS Cup #1 as "Sunset Ballers".
  • The current Team Liquid seed competed in HCS Cup #1 as "The Other Guys".
  • The current Swarm seed competed from HCS Cups #2-7 as "neVo eSports" and in in HCS Cup #1 as "Glass Animals".
  • The current Bittersweet seed competed from HCS Cup #1 to HCS Cup #5 as "Element 6 Gaming".
  • The current Aware Gaming seed competed prior to HCS Cup #5 as "NME/Enemy eSports".

External Links

