Halo Esports Wiki

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/* Any JavaScript here will be loaded for all users on every page load. */

 * Countdown
 * Version: 2.0
 * Rewrite by Pecoes
 * Original script by Splarka + Eladkse
 * documentation and examples at:
 * http://dev.gamepedia.com/Countdown
/*jshint jquery:true, browser:true, es5:true, devel:true, camelcase:true, curly:false, undef:true, bitwise:true, eqeqeq:true, forin:true, immed:true, latedef:true, newcap:true, noarg:true, unused:true, regexp:true, strict:true, trailing:false */
/*global mediaWiki:true*/
    var countdowns = [];
    var NO_LEADING_ZEROS = 1;
    function output (i, diff) {
        /*jshint bitwise:false*/
        var delta, result, parts = [];        
        diff = Math.floor(diff / 60);
        delta = diff % 60;
        if (delta<10)
        diff = Math.floor(diff / 60);
        delta = diff % 24;
        if (delta<10) 
            parts.unshift('0'+delta+'h ');
            parts.unshift(delta+'h ');
        diff = Math.floor(diff / 24);
        parts.unshift(diff+'d ');
        result = parts.pop();
        if (countdowns[i].opts & NO_LEADING_ZEROS) {
            while (parts.length &&  parts[0][0] === '0' && (parts[0][1] === '0' || parts[0][1] ==='d')) {
        if (parts.length) {
            result = parts.join('') + result;
    function end(i) {
        var c = countdowns[i].node.parent();
        switch (c.attr('data-end')) {
            case 'remove':
                countdowns.splice(i, 1);
            case 'stop':
                countdowns.splice(i, 1);
                output(i, 0);
            case 'toggle':
                var toggle = c.attr('data-toggle');
                if (toggle && $(toggle).length) {
                    countdowns.splice(i, 1);
                    $(toggle).css('display', 'inline');
                    c.css('display', 'none');
            case 'callback':
                var callback = c.attr('data-callback');
                if (callback && $.isFunction(module[callback])) {
                    output(i, 0);
                    countdowns.splice(i, 1);
        countdowns[i].countup = true;
        output(i, 0);
    function update () {
        var now = Date.now();
        $.each(countdowns.slice(0), function (i, countdown) {
            var diff = Math.floor((countdown.date - now) / 1000);
            if (diff <= 0 && !countdown.countup) {
            } else {
                output(i, Math.abs(diff));
        if (countdowns.length) {
            window.setTimeout(function () {
            }, 1000);
    function getOptions (node) {
        /*jshint bitwise:false*/
        var text = node.parent().attr('data-options'),
            opts = 0;
        if (text) {
            if (/no-leading-zeros/.test(text)) {
                opts |= NO_LEADING_ZEROS;
        return opts;
    $(function () {
        var countdown = $('.countdown');
        if (!countdown.length) return;
        $('.nocountdown').css('display', 'none');
        .css('display', 'inline')
        .each(function () {
            var $this = $(this),
                date = (new Date($this.text())).valueOf();
            if (isNaN(date)) {
                $this.text('BAD DATE');
                node: $this,
                opts: getOptions($this),
                date: date,
        if (countdowns.length) {

var toggleMapListSetup = function() {
	var btn = $('a[id^="collapseButton"]');

	btn.each(function() {
		var table = $(this).closest('table');
		var m = $('.maprow', table);

		if (m.length) {
			m.hide(); // Collapse maps by default

			var span = $('<span>', {
				class: 'mapsCollapseButton',
				css: {
					'font-weight': 'normal',
					'float': 'right',
					'margin-right': '7px',
					'cursor': 'pointer'

			table.data('maps-collapsed', true);

			var toggleMaps = function() {
				table.data('maps-collapsed', !table.data('maps-collapsed'));

				$(this).text(function(i, txt) {
					return txt.replace(/\+|−/, function(a) {
						return a === '+' ? '−' : '+';

			var a = $('<a>+maps</a>').click(toggleMaps);

			span.append('[', a, ']');

			if (table.hasClass('uncollapsed-maps')) {

/** Collapsible tables *********************************************************
* From English Wikipedia, 2008-09-15
*  Description: Allows tables to be collapsed, showing only the header. See
*               [[Wikipedia:NavFrame]].
*  Maintainers: [[User:R. Koot]]

var autoCollapse = 2;
var collapseCaption = "hide";
var expandCaption = "show";

function collapseTable( tableIndex )
	var Button = document.getElementById( "collapseButton" + tableIndex );
	var Table = document.getElementById( "collapsibleTable" + tableIndex );

	if ( !Table || !Button ) {
		return false;

	var Rows = Table.rows;

	if ( Button.firstChild.data == collapseCaption ) {
		for ( var i = 1; i < Rows.length; i++ ) {
			Rows[i].style.display = "none";
		Button.firstChild.data = expandCaption;

		$('.mapsCollapseButton', Table).hide();
	} else {
		for ( var i = 1; i < Rows.length; i++ ) {
			if ( hasClass( Rows[i], "maprow" ) ) {
				// Skip showing for this row if the maps are in collapsed state
				if ($(Table).data('maps-collapsed')) {

			Rows[i].style.display = Rows[0].style.display;
		Button.firstChild.data = collapseCaption;

		$('.mapsCollapseButton', Table).show();

function createCollapseButtons()
	var tableIndex = 0;
	var NavigationBoxes = new Object();
	var Tables = document.getElementsByTagName( "table" );

	for ( var i = 0; i < Tables.length; i++ ) {
		if ( hasClass( Tables[i], "collapsible" ) ) {

			/* only add button and increment count if there is a header row to work with */
			var HeaderRow = Tables[i].getElementsByTagName( "tr" )[0];
			if (!HeaderRow) continue;
			var Header = HeaderRow.getElementsByTagName( "th" )[0];
			if (!Header) continue;

			NavigationBoxes[ tableIndex ] = Tables[i];
			Tables[i].setAttribute( "id", "collapsibleTable" + tableIndex );

			var Button     = document.createElement( "span" );
			var ButtonLink = document.createElement( "a" );
			var ButtonText = document.createTextNode( collapseCaption );

			Button.style.styleFloat = "right";
			Button.style.cssFloat = "right";
			Button.style.fontWeight = "normal";
			Button.style.textAlign = "right";
			// Button.style.width = "6em";

			ButtonLink.style.color = Header.style.color;
			ButtonLink.setAttribute( "id", "collapseButton" + tableIndex );
			ButtonLink.setAttribute( "href", "javascript:collapseTable(" + tableIndex + ");" );
			ButtonLink.appendChild( ButtonText );

			Button.appendChild( document.createTextNode( "[" ) );
				Button.appendChild( ButtonLink );
				Button.appendChild( document.createTextNode( "]" ) );

				Header.insertBefore( Button, Header.childNodes[0] );

	// Create [+maps] buttons after setting up the table collapse buttons,
	// but before initial collapseTable calls

	for ( var i = 0;  i < tableIndex; i++ ) {
		if ( hasClass( NavigationBoxes[i], "collapsed" ) || ( tableIndex >= autoCollapse && hasClass( NavigationBoxes[i], "autocollapse" ) ) ) {
			collapseTable( i );

addOnloadHook( createCollapseButtons );

/** Test if an element has a certain class **************************************
* Description: Uses regular expressions and caching for better performance.
* Maintainers: [[User:Mike Dillon]], [[User:R. Koot]], [[User:SG]]

var hasClass = (function () {
	var reCache = {};
	return function (element, className) {
		return (reCache[className] ? reCache[className] : (reCache[className] = new RegExp("(?:\\s|^)" + className + "(?:\\s|$)"))).test(element.className);

/** Dynamic Navigation Bars (experimental) *************************************
*  Description: See [[Wikipedia:NavFrame]].
*  Maintainers: UNMAINTAINED

// set up the words in your language
var NavigationBarHide = '[' + collapseCaption + ']';
var NavigationBarShow = '[' + expandCaption + ']';

// shows and hides content and picture (if available) of navigation bars
// Parameters:
//     indexNavigationBar: the index of navigation bar to be toggled
function toggleNavigationBar(indexNavigationBar)
	var NavToggle = document.getElementById("NavToggle" + indexNavigationBar);
	var NavFrame = document.getElementById("NavFrame" + indexNavigationBar);

	if (!NavFrame || !NavToggle) {
		return false;

	// if shown now
	if (NavToggle.firstChild.data == NavigationBarHide) {
		for (var NavChild = NavFrame.firstChild; NavChild != null; NavChild = NavChild.nextSibling) {
			if ( hasClass( NavChild, 'NavPic' ) ) {
				NavChild.style.display = 'none';
			if ( hasClass( NavChild, 'NavContent') ) {
				NavChild.style.display = 'none';
		NavToggle.firstChild.data = NavigationBarShow;

		// if hidden now
	} else if (NavToggle.firstChild.data == NavigationBarShow) {
		for (var NavChild = NavFrame.firstChild; NavChild != null; NavChild = NavChild.nextSibling) {
			if (hasClass(NavChild, 'NavPic')) {
				NavChild.style.display = 'block';
			if (hasClass(NavChild, 'NavContent')) {
				NavChild.style.display = 'block';
		NavToggle.firstChild.data = NavigationBarHide;

// adds show/hide-button to navigation bars
function createNavigationBarToggleButton()
	var indexNavigationBar = 0;
	// iterate over all < div >-elements
	var divs = document.getElementsByTagName("div");
	for (var i = 0; NavFrame = divs[i]; i++) {
		// if found a navigation bar
		if (hasClass(NavFrame, "NavFrame")) {

			var NavToggle = document.createElement("a");
			NavToggle.className = 'NavToggle';
			NavToggle.setAttribute('id', 'NavToggle' + indexNavigationBar);
			NavToggle.setAttribute('href', 'javascript:toggleNavigationBar(' + indexNavigationBar + ');');

			var isCollapsed = hasClass( NavFrame, "collapsed" );
			* Check if any children are already hidden.  This loop is here for backwards compatibility:
			* the old way of making NavFrames start out collapsed was to manually add style="display:none"
			* to all the NavPic/NavContent elements.  Since this was bad for accessibility (no way to make
			* the content visible without JavaScript support), the new recommended way is to add the class
			* "collapsed" to the NavFrame itself, just like with collapsible tables.
			for (var NavChild = NavFrame.firstChild; NavChild != null && !isCollapsed; NavChild = NavChild.nextSibling) {
				if ( hasClass( NavChild, 'NavPic' ) || hasClass( NavChild, 'NavContent' ) ) {
					if ( NavChild.style.display == 'none' ) {
						isCollapsed = true;
			if (isCollapsed) {
				for (var NavChild = NavFrame.firstChild; NavChild != null; NavChild = NavChild.nextSibling) {
					if ( hasClass( NavChild, 'NavPic' ) || hasClass( NavChild, 'NavContent' ) ) {
						NavChild.style.display = 'none';
			var NavToggleText = document.createTextNode(isCollapsed ? NavigationBarShow : NavigationBarHide);

			// Find the NavHead and attach the toggle link (Must be this complicated because Moz's firstChild handling is borked)
			for(var j=0; j < NavFrame.childNodes.length; j++) {
				if (hasClass(NavFrame.childNodes[j], "NavHead")) {
			NavFrame.setAttribute('id', 'NavFrame' + indexNavigationBar);

addOnloadHook( createNavigationBarToggleButton );

        Toggles the display of elements on a page 
        Author/contact: Austin Che http://openwetware.org/wiki/User:Austin_J._Che
        See http://openwetware.org/wiki/OpenWetWare:Toggle for examples and documentation

// indexed array of toggler ids to array of associated toggle operations
// each operation is a two element array, the first being the type, the second a class name or array of elements
// operation types are strings like "_reset" or "" for the default toggle operation
var togglers = new Array();     
var allClasses = new Object(); // associative map of class names to page elements

function toggler(id)
    var toBeToggled = togglers[id];
    if (!toBeToggled)

    // if some element is in list more than once, it will be toggled multiple times
    for (var i = 0; i < toBeToggled.length; i++)
        // get array of elements to operate on
        var toggles = toBeToggled[i][1];
        if (typeof(toggles) == "string")
            if (toggles.charAt(0) == '-')
                // treat as an element ID, not as class
                toggles = document.getElementById(toggles.substring(1));
                if (toggles)
                    toggles = new Array(toggles);
                toggles = allClasses[toggles];
        if (!toggles || !toggles.length)

        var op = toBeToggled[i][0]; // what the operation will be

        switch (op)
            case "_reset":
                for (var j = 0; j < toggles.length; j++)
                    toggles[j].style.display = toggles[j]._toggle_original_display;
            case "_show":
                for (var j = 0; j < toggles.length; j++)
                    toggles[j].style.display = '';
            case "_hide":
                for (var j = 0; j < toggles.length; j++)
                    toggles[j].style.display = 'none';
            case "":
                // Toggle
                for (var j = 0; j < toggles.length; j++)
                    toggles[j].style.display = ((toggles[j].style.display == 'none') ? '' : 'none');

function createTogglerLink(toggler, id)
    var toggle = document.createElement("a");
    toggle.className = 'toggler-link';
    toggle.setAttribute('id', 'toggler' + id);
    toggle.setAttribute('href', 'javascript:toggler("' + id + '");');
    var child = toggler.firstChild;
    toggler.insertBefore(toggle, toggler.firstChild);

function toggleInit()
    var togglerElems = new Array();
    var toggleGroup = new Array();

    // initialize/clear any old information
    togglers = new Array();     
    allClasses = new Object();
    // make list of all document classes
    var elems = document.getElementsByTagName("*");
    var numelems = elems.length;
    for (var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++)
        var elem = elems[i];
        if (!elem.className)

        elem._toggle_original_display = elem.style.display;
        var togglerID = -1;
        var elemClasses = elem.className.split(' '); // get list of classes
        for (var j = 0; j < elemClasses.length; j++)
            var elemClass = elemClasses[j];
            if (! allClasses[elemClass])
                allClasses[elemClass] = new Array();

            // all the special classes begin with _toggle
            if (elemClass.substring(0, 7) != "_toggle")

            if (elemClass == "_togglegroup")
                toggleGroup = new Array();
            else if (elemClass == "_toggle")
            else if (elemClass.substring(0, 12) == "_toggle_init")
                // set initial value for display (ignore the original CSS set value)
                // understands _toggle_initshow and _toggle_inithide
                var disp = elemClass.substring(12);
                if (disp == "show")
                    elem.style.display = '';
                else if (disp == "hide")
                    elem.style.display = 'none';
                elem._toggle_original_display = disp;
            else if (elemClass.substring(0, 8) == "_toggler")
                if (togglerID == -1)
                    togglerID = togglers.length;
                    togglers[togglerID] = new Array();
                    togglerElems[togglerID] = elem;

                // all classes are of form _toggler_op-CLASS
                // figure out what class we're toggling
                // if none is specified, then we use the current toggle group
                var toBeToggled;
                var hyphen = elemClass.indexOf('-');
                if (hyphen != -1)
                    toBeToggled = elemClass.substring(hyphen+1);
                    toBeToggled = toggleGroup;
                    hyphen = elemClass.length;

                var op = elemClass.substring(8, hyphen);
                togglers[togglerID].push(new Array(op, toBeToggled));

    // add javascript links to all toggler elements
    for (var i = 0; i < togglerElems.length; i++)
        createTogglerLink(togglerElems[i], i);

function owwsitesearch(f){


function includePage( name )
 document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="' + wgScript + '?title='
  + name 
  + '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript"><\/script>' 
/* End of includePage */

/* Dynamic Tabs - Adapted from Liquipedia - http://wiki.teamliquid.net/dota2/MediaWiki:Common.js */
/* Tabs by FO-nTTaX */
$(document).ready (function() {
	$('div.tabs-dynamic ul.tabs li').click(
		function () {
			var i = $(this).index() + 1;
			$(this).parent().parent().children('div.tabs-content').children('div.content' + i).addClass('active');
	$('div.tabs-dynamic').each(function(index) {
		var h = $(this).children('ul.tabs').children('li.active').index() + 1;
		$(this).children('div.tabs-content').children('div.content' + h).addClass('active');
	var hash = location.hash.slice(1);
	if (hash.substring(0, 4) == 'tab-') {
		var hasharr = hash.split('-scrollto-');
		var tabno = hasharr[0].replace('tab-', '');
    		$('div.tabs-dynamic ul.tabs li').removeClass('active');
		$('div.tabs-dynamic ul.tabs li.tab' + tabno).addClass('active');
		$('div.tabs-dynamic div.tabs-content div').removeClass('active');
		$('div.tabs-dynamic div.tabs-content div.content' + tabno).addClass('active');
		if (hasharr.length == 2) {
			var scrollto = '#' + hasharr[1];
			setTimeout(function(){$(window).scrollTop($(scrollto).offset().top)}, 500);
/* Including extra .js pages */ 
// switches for scripts
// TODO: migrate to JSConfig
// var load_extratabs = true;
var load_edittools = true;
//Edit Tools
// extra drop down menu on editing for adding special characters
includePage( 'MediaWiki:Edittools.js' );